

Advent challenges bring out the best in staff

Posted: 26 Jul 2024Category: Sustainability

Also during this week some of the Manica divisions were challenged to do their bit for the environnment and to reduce our carbon footprint by riding a bicycle to work. The Manica Finance and Walvis Bay Stevedoring teams rose to the challenge and proudly rode ther bicycles to work. The Finance team even had a mini-olympics theme going. Well done team!

Rennies Transport was challenged to surprise their clients with a small gift to show their appreciation for the support their clients show to them. In their touch-someone's-life with a charity gesture challenge, the Rennies team visited Kids Haven and surprised them with treats. The Manica SHEQ team visited the Jonah Home for Children, and donated 25 warm, fluffy blankets. The SHEQ team noted that this donation was their "token of appreciation to the heroes in our community who step up and care for kids when their parents are unable to."

Advent challenges bring out the best in staff
Advent challenges bring out the best in staff
Advent challenges bring out the best in staff
Advent challenges bring out the best in staff
Advent challenges bring out the best in staff
Advent challenges bring out the best in staff
Advent challenges bring out the best in staff
Advent challenges bring out the best in staff
Advent challenges bring out the best in staff
Advent challenges bring out the best in staff
Advent challenges bring out the best in staff
Advent challenges bring out the best in staff
Advent challenges bring out the best in staff

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